Why Drinking Water Is Great For Your Heart!

As we all know, 60 percent of our body mass consists of water. Every single organ, cell, and tissue in the body requires water so that they can work. Water eliminates waste in the body through urination, bowel movements, and perspiration. It also helps in keeping your body temperature balanced along with lubricating the joints. Your health is at risk if you are not drinking the proper quantity of water. A person’s heart works and pumps the blood to almost 2000 gallons per day. If you are keeping yourself hydrated, it means you are providing enough water to the heart for doing its job.


Dehydration is a situation in which a person loses the extra fluid through sweating, fever, urination, and illness. The loss is greater than the amount of water or food you are consuming. Dehydration can affect the body, its organs, and its functions. It can also damage your heart and the cardiovascular mechanism.

When a person dehydrates, the circulation and volume of blood decrease. Later the heart starts to beat and pump at a fast speed. It also increases blood pressure. Sodium increases in the blood, making it hard to flow in the body.

Athletes, adults, and people suffering from chronic illness are at risk of dehydration. Dehydration can lead to a lot of problems like swollen feet, headaches, heart attack, and heat strokes. It can even end your life.

Symptoms of mild and moderate dehydration include dry mouth, sticky mouth, thirst, less urination, headache, muscle cramps, and dark yellow urine.

Very little urine, dark yellow or amber-colored urination are an indication of severe dehydration. Other signs include dry skin, irritation, sunken eyes, confusion, fast heartbeat, rapid breathing, and unconsciousness. You can even feel dizzy during this problem. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Intake of Water

Coming towards how much water a person should drink. Every day a person loses water through breathing, urination, and perspiration. If you want your body to work at a fast speed, then you must consume foods that contain water or drink enough water. Thirst and color of urine indicate hydration level. Pale and lemon-colored urine means you are hydrated. If it is dark yellow, then you need to drink more water (dehydration).

To avoid dehydration, make a habit of drinking water in the morning, with every meal, and some glasses during the whole day. You should drink water during flights, after exercise, and during summer.

The average amount of water (including water containing food and beverages) for different genders is:

  • Women: 11 cups daily which means 2.7 liters
  • Men: 15.5 cups daily that is equal to 3.7 liters

Since water is calorie-free and inexpensive, it is the best way you can keep yourself hydrated. Drinking an 8-ounce glass of water eight times in a provides your body with 25 percent fluid. Other foods and beverages like milk, teas, and juices complete the leftover percentage.

A lot of fruits and vegetables provide water. Cucumber contains 96% water, and watermelon contains 92% of water. However, there are several processed foods (crackers and chips) that have a lot of salt.  Eating an excess amount of salt can increase the viscosity (thickness) of your blood. This excess salt makes the circulation of blood harder. To avoid such situations, you need to drink more water.

You should; drink a sports drink while doing an intense exercise for 1 hour at least. These drinks have a large amount of sugar and calories. But they help in replacing the electrolytes that get lost through sweating and perspiration.

Energy drinks are also a stimulant of water. They contain caffeine that acts as a diuretic. These drinks help in the process of urination.

Factors That Increases The Need for Water

The need for water depends upon a lot of factors like health, your efficiency, weather conditions, and your activeness. You should increase the total amount of fluid intake due to several factors. Some of them are:

  • Physical Activities

If you are doing several physical activities, especially exercises and running, then you must drink plenty of water. These physical activities increase sweating and fluid loss. You can drink a sports drink and energy drinks. They also fulfill the requirement of minerals in the blood. Thus, drink water while exercising.

  • Weather

Hot and dry weather can make a person sweat. People living in such areas require excess water intake. Dehydration is a common issue in hot areas.

  • Health Conditions

Your body starts to lose fluids when you are experiencing fever and diarrhea. If you are a patient of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, then you should drink an extra glass of water. Bladder infections and stones in the kidney require water too.

  • Pregnant Women

Pregnant women and nursing mothers need to drink additional fluids to maintain their health.

Benefits of Drinking Water

To make your body function actively, all of your organs and cells need enough water. There are many benefits to drinking water. Some of them are:

  • Joints and spine disks contain cartilage (80% water). Long-term dehydration can lead a person to joint pain. Water acts as a lubricant for the joints.
  • Water helps in producing mucus and saliva. Saliva supports the digestion of food and keeps the mouth moist. Drinking water helps in keeping the mouth clean.
  • Blood contains more than 90% of water and aims to provide oxygen to all other body parts. So, drink more water to produce more oxygen.
  • Drinking water provides smooth and fresh skin.
  • Severe dehydration can cause cognitive problems. It affects brain function and hormone production. Drinking plenty of water can improve the thinking process.
  • Water helps in removing waste from the body. It also maintains blood pressure. Due to dehydration, the blood becomes thick, and blood pressure increases.
  • Lack of fluid can worsen a person’s asthma and allergies. People should try to keep their airways hydrated.
  • Drinking water can prevent the formation of stones in the kidney.


One of the most important minerals that a body requires come from water. If you wish to have a healthy heart and good health, then you must keep in mind to drink a lot of water. Plenty of fluids can help you to stay hydrated. People facing any heart problem or infection can consult a South Florida cardiovascular specialist to seek advice. They are helpful experts in their field. You can ask for their guidance regarding fluid loss and heart issues.

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