Vein Disease Procedure Types and Recommendations

Your arteries are responsible for all the blood circulation in the body. Veins carry the oxygenated blood towards the heart, and valves in the veins prevent the backward flow of blood. Disturbance in the blood flowing from limbs to the heart is called venous insufficiency. This disease is treated by different kinds of vein treatment procedures.

In this disease, the blood fails to travel from the limb and back to the heart, causing it to clot in the legs. There are many more factors affecting venous insufficiency, but blood clotting is the most common. The objective of the vein treatment is to cure the disease and enable you to prevent it from happening again. Vein treatment also minimizes the pain and discomfort of the disease. 

Therefore, there are many procedures available to treat chronic venous insufficiency that come under the umbrella of vein treatment. It depends on the consultant’s testing and diagnostics that which procedure will be recommended. After treating with these procedures, doctors recommend you to make some lifestyle changes to prevent future blood clotting.

Procedures for chronic venous insufficiency

There are few minimally invasive procedures to treat vein diseases. The doctor has to make a recommendation to choose from the following:

  • Radio-frequency Occlusion

Heat from an electric source is used to destruct the wall of the veins. Radiofrequency occlusion procedure is also known as Venefit. The procedure is performed in the knee joint of the patient by inserting a hollow tube. The small tube has electrodes at its tips; it heats up and destroys the wall of the affected part of the veins. The walls take 29 seconds to burst and clear, which enables the veins to shrink and collapse.

The body then naturally makes a formation with the veins achieving perfect blood flow. The whole procedure of radiofrequency occlusion takes about an hour, and local anesthesia is used in the doctor’s office. There is no such recovery period; the patient can continue their regular activities right after the treatment. This procedure is not surgical; thus, it causes minimal or no bruising in the skin.

  • Thermal and Nonthermal Ablation

This procedure also consists of heating the walls of the veins. The damaged or hardened veins are destroyed using ultrasound imaging that guides a hollow tube. A thin and small catheter is inserted to perform this procedure.

Whereas, in nonthermal procedures, the objective is still the same. But instead of inserting a catheter, chemicals are used to destroy the damaged part of the veins. The chemicals collapse or finish the walls of the affected veins.

  • Endovenous Laser Treatment

A small sized puncture is made in the knee of the patient. The specialist inserts a catheter in the damaged vein of the limbs, leading a laser fiber. The laser in the guiding tube heats up the defected walls of the vein, causing them to shrink. The blood changes its route to healthy veins, and the body continues to perform healthy functions.

The doctor recommends wearing safety goggles because the laser can harm the vision. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and local anesthesia. Patients can continue with their physical activities and daily routine once the disease has been treated.

  • Phlebectomy

In this procedure, the damaged and affected veins are pulled. A small puncture is created in the skin to remove the veins; there is no requirement of stitches. The doctor uses local anesthesia on the affected area and inserts a metal hook to pull out the damaged veins.

The procedure of phlebectomy takes around 30 to 60 minutes, and the patient can return to their normal practices right after the procedure. 

  • Medical Adhesive

The medical adhesive treatment consists of shutting down the damaged veins permanently. The doctor uses a guiding ultrasound to insert a catheter. Some specific injections are delivered through the tube guide by imaging ultrasound.

The doctor then presses the damaged vein by their hands, closing off the walls, due to which, the blood chooses healthier veins to flow through the body. The whole procedure of medical adhesive takes less than an hour, and the minimal recovery period is required.


There are some useful recommendations made by doctors and experienced patients. To prepare yourself for the appointment, you need to write down all the symptoms you have been feeling. Mention your family’s medical history following with some personal information. Also, make a list of all recent medications you have been taking.

Usually, there are no specific preparations for the appointment. The doctors will examine your legs and diagnose the signs of varicose veins. After examining, they will suggest the best procedure for the treatment.

Post-treatment self-care is also very important to prevent future symptoms of vein disease. Controlling weight and not wearing tight clothes can help improve the blood flow system. Look for some home remedies to prevent the disease.

Daily exercise routine and walking is essential to keep your legs and heart-healthy and strong. Doctors suggest keeping the legs elevated for 15 minutes twice a day to trigger good blood circulation. Presume a good diet plan and have enough minerals and nutrients in your meals to stay healthy.

Avoid standing and sitting in one position for extended periods of time as it pools down the blood in one place. That is unsafe for your heart and blood valves. Start wearing compression stocking as they squeeze your limbs to move the blood adequately.


Bring effective lifestyle changes to prevent future problems. Heart and blood problems can be a foundation for many more diseases. Even before consulting the doctor, start your self-care. Lower your fat and cholesterol levels by exercising and diet.

Choose the best doctor for treating the disease. Write down all the questions that come in your mind regarding the disease prior to appointment. At South Florida Cardiovascular Specialists, our doctors will diagnose the disease and will recommend the procedure that best suits your condition. So, book an appointment today!

Some natural herbs are also suggested by specialists, including butcher’s broom, horse chestnut, and sweet clovers. They can prove to be effective for improving the results of the procedures. Always consult the doctor before consuming any herb for the treatment.

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