Fish Oil And Heart Health
Fish is one of the most commonly eaten “superfood” there is. It can be consumed in many shapes and forms. Some people enjoy it raw in the form of sushi or sashimi, some like it deep fried, some like it stewed, and others may like it grilled. The ways to prepare fish are many.
However, not only is fish a delicious protein, it is extremely healthy and a vital part of a balanced diet. The reason fish is previously referred to as a “superfood” is because of the benefits it provides, especially fish oil. The recommended intake of fish by the World Health Organisation (WHO) is twice a week.
There are a plethora of benefits that fish oil provides. For example, it is good for bone health, eye health, and skin, and it also may help with mental illnesses. Nonetheless, let’s see what fish oil is and how it benefits our heart health.
More About Fish Oil
Fish oil can be obtained by two sources. First is from the fish tissue. The second source is from the liver of the fish. Fat or oil from the fish tissue is usually found in more naturally oily fishes. These include mackerel, salmon, tuna, anchovies, etc. The second source usually produces products like Cod liver oil.
This oil is a rich source of Omega3 fatty acids. It is also a good source of vitamin A and D, all of which are essential for our body. Fish oil can be taken either by eating fish or by taking supplements if you aren’t such a big fan of fish. If you’re not, then you’re missing out.
What Are Omega 3 Fatty Acid?
The combination of the words “fatty” and “acid” make it sound like something extremely unhealthy. However, we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. The Omega 3 fatty acid actually plays a vital role in keeping us safe and healthy.
Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats. These fats come in three different types. The DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) can be found in oily fishes mentioned earlier. The third type is ALA (Alpha-linolenic Acid) which is plant-based and can be found in canola oil, flaxseed oil, etc. The reason why we must include these fatty acids to our diet is because our bodies cannot produce them on its own.

How Does Fish Oil Affect Heart Health?
As mentioned previously, fish oil contains Omega 3 fatty acids, but how exactly do they affect heart health? Let’s dig deeper into it.
• Slows Down Plaque Build Up
Plaque is basically a substance that builds up in your arteries. It is made up of cholesterol, fat, calcium, and other substances that can be found in our blood. Too much plaque build-up can be extremely hazardous to your health as it hinders the flow of oxygenated blood in the body.
Consuming fish oil may help reduce the rate at which this plaque builds up. If you don’t already have a build-up, then it may help prevent it from accumulating altogether.
• Reduces Triglycerides
Triglycerides are fat (lipid) that can be found in our blood. Calories that are not being used immediately are converted to triglycerides which are then stored in fat cells. These come in handy when your body needs energy between meals. However, if you make a habit of eating excess calories, then the amount of triglycerides in your blood will increase. This is bad for your heart health.
The DHA and EPA present in fish oil can help reduce the level of triglycerides by approximately 30%. This will ultimately result in a healthier heart.
• Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is another indicator of bad heart health. It can become the cause of a possible stroke or a heart attack. When you have high blood pressure or hypertension, the pressure with which the blood flows through the arteries increases. This causes damage to the arteries and also places a strain on the heart. This affects your heart health and can lead to poor quality of life.
Research has shown that the intake of fish oil or fish oil supplements has helped decrease blood pressure. In the year 2014, the American Journal of Hypertension published a research review. This research review found that people who consumed DHA and EPA experienced a reduction in their blood pressures.
• Lowers The Risk Of Arrhythmia
Arrhythmia is basically a condition in which the heart beats irregularly, that is it beats too slow or too fast. Since the heart pumps inefficiently, the blood flow can be affected. That, in turn, can lead to major heart issues such as a heart attack or, in other cases, permanent heart damage. It can also cause the blood to pool and clot which will damage not only the heart but other organs as well.
Consumption of fish oil can help suppress and in some cases even prevent the risk of abnormal heart rhythms. A study found that Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil help lower the risk of the most commonly occurring arrhythmia by 30% in adults.

• Weight Loss
Fish oil can aid greatly in weight loss as well. It can do so in many different ways. One way is by reducing appetite and hunger. Another way fish oil helps with weight loss is that it increases metabolism. Increased metabolism means you burn through calories faster thus resulting in weight loss. It can also help with reducing fat that has accumulated in your body. While this may not show a difference in numbers on the scale, it can surely take off a few extra inches where they are not needed.
Weight loss is beneficial for heart health. When you lose weight, you cut down on the excess fat that can ultimately build up to be a plaque. It also helps in bringing the cholesterol levels down and reducing blood pressure as well. All of these conditions are directly or indirectly related to heart health, and weight loss keeps them all in check.