Does Heart Disease Cause Back Pain?

Heart diseases and back pain have been spreading massively across the globe. This has led to many questions regarding the link between the two. Since both of these have had a rapid increase in prevalence in the past decade, it’s only natural that people will be curious to know about it. So, if you have been trying to find out if heart disease causes back pain or not, then you’re in the right place. 

Is There Any Connection between Heart Disease and Back Pain?

Yes, many studies have shown that heart disease and back pain are interrelated. There is a greater prevalence of back pain in people who have heart malfunctions than those who do not. Sometimes, this relationship is even reversed as back pain can lead to heart problems, as well. Cardiologists even suggest that unexplained pain in your back might be a symptom of heart diseases. It might even be an indicating factor of heart attack too. 

Which Heart Diseases Lead to Back Pain:

So far, we have established that heart diseases can cause back pain. So, let’s see which heart diseases can lead to back pain and cause discomfort for you.


Angina is one of the most common heart diseases that are reported globally. This is the pain that results from a restricted supply of blood to the heart. The coronary arteries responsible for providing blood to the heart tissue have a buildup of plaque in them. 

This pain can be present both when you are at rest and when you are exerting yourself. Angina spreads from the heart to the back, and then the pain starts building from there and goes on to the neck too. So, if you’re experiencing pain in your chest and then in your back, you most likely have angina. 

Pulmonary Embolism:

Pulmonary embolism is primarily a problem in the lungs and circulatory system, but it causes back pain as well. It happens when a clot dislodges from its origin in your body and travels to one of the arteries in the lungs. This then hinders the flow of blood to your lungs, and there is acute pain in your chest subsequently. 

This pain, if not alleviated, promptly spreads to the back and shoulders. Hence, a circulatory problem in the lungs can also be a cause of back pain. 

Heart Attack:

Heart attack, also called myocardial infarction, is one of the leading causes of death in all seven continents. Heart attacks are more frequent if someone has a history of blood clots or severe back pains. A heart attack results from the blockage or restricted supply of blood to the muscles of the heart. This can be due to plaque deposits or blood clots in the arteries. 

When there is a lack of blood and oxygen in the heart muscles, there is severe pain in the chest. This then travels to your neck, shoulders, and back too. So, you need to get medical help as soon as a heart attack or chest pain occurs. 


Pericarditis is caused when there is an inflammation of the pericardium. The pericardium is the sac-like structure that encircles the heart. It has a fluid filled in it, which provides nutrition and support to the heart muscles. It also lubricates the heart and prevents friction and rupturing of heart tissue. 

Pericarditis can be a result of several conditions, including friction of heart against the pericardium or a heart attack. This inflammation causes pain in the back when there is a constant rubbing of tissues with it. 

Aortic aneurysm:

An aortic aneurysm is due to the weakness of the wall of the aorta due to any shocks or injury. Sometimes there can be a bulge in the aorta too, which can cause bleeding as well. 

This bleeding can cause fatalities, too, if it is not treated duly. The aortic aneurysm leads to back pain if the bulge is located towards the back. 

How to Avoid Heart Disease and Back Pain:

Both heart diseases and back pain are not to be taken lightly as they can be fatal. You have to be extremely careful if you want to have a healthy lifestyle. Here are some things that can help you avoid and alleviate back pain and heart disease. 

Avoid Smoking:

Smoking affects your heart and lungs a lot. In addition to the carcinogens, there are many other chemical compounds that you inhale while smoking, which leads to heart problems. And as we have already discussed, most of the heart diseases then trigger pain in your back. So, stop smoking and avoid places where people smoke as well. 


A workout is a sure way of staying fit and healthy overall. In order to improve your heart health, it is important that you work out 5 days a week. This can be extensive cardio or a walk in the park. But, the condition of exercising stays as it keeps the heart muscles strong and active.

Maintain Healthy Weight:

Maintaining a healthy weight is integral if you want to have a healthier heart and normal back. Increased weight or obesity leads to many issues like blood pressure fluctuations, blockage of arteries, and plaque deposition, which put a strain on the heart. Hence, you need to maintain a healthy weight to keep both your heart and back normal. 

Minimize Alcohol Consumption:

Increased alcohol consumption leads to many problems, including heart failure. This is why you have to keep it in a strictly normal range if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There are reports of problems in the back due to uncontrolled alcohol intake too. So, you have to be very considerate when it comes to the amount of alcohol you take. 

Balanced Diet:

A balanced diet is the best way of ensuring a healthy body. When you consume proper nutrients, and there are no toxins in your body, it will function normally. Thus, you need to include fibers, carbs, fats, proteins, and vitamins in the right proportions in your diet.

Learn more today! 

To wrap up, there has been evidence of back pain as a result of heart diseases in many cases. This is why it’s important to be considerate of your heart health as it directly affects the rest of the body. To get help with managing back pain and heart diseases, consult South Florida CardioVascular Specialists today. 

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