Can Laughter Increase Your Heart Health?

Laughing is good; laughing is fun. In fact, in a way, we can say that laughter is the best medicine. Over time, medical history had proven that being happy can help revive someone, bring a person out of a comma, and fasten the healing process. In most cases, this has been proven to be true. Laughter has always had a positive effect on the human body, soul, and mind, and thus it is much advised to make a sick person happy.

As we know, laughter is happiness. Although laughter has been known to influence the body, except in some special conditions, we can’t help but wonder how it affects the heart? If you would like to know just what laughter does to the heart, then this article has a lot to offer.

Why Does a Scientist Think Laughter Has a Good Effect On The Body?

It is proposed that our reactions and behaviors are due to the release of certain chemicals within our bodies. Most of the time, these hormones and chemicals are triggered by something we feel, sense, see, taste, or touch. Laughter is said to be one of these things. It is a happy feeling that makes you giggle while releasing some select chemicals in the body. These chemicals have been said to have a positive effect on the human mind. Laughter brings about relaxation of the body and helps relax the blood vessels, which point that laughter might be the best medicine for a better heart.

While much study is still going on about the magic of laughter, the main question that continues to hover in the mind is the relationship between laughter and the heart.

The Relationship Between Laughter And The State Of The Heart

Much study and research have gone into cracking the relationship between laughter and the heart in recent years. It has been found that a relationship does exist between laughter and cardiovascular health. Research has proven that adverse reactions and emotions have a way of weakening and hurting the heart. It tends to put one at a significant risk of developing a heart disease. On the other hand, positive reactions like laughter are therefore suspected of doing precisely the opposite, improving cardiovascular health.

A study involving 20 people was carried out. It was recorded that after a stressful day at work, a fight with a colleague, friend, or spouse, or a sudden disappointment; feeling a numb pain around their heart. It is said to be a result of adverse reactions. Positive reactions, however, tend to trigger happy memories, moments, and reactions, which in turn works to make the heart function better and correctly.

According to, the effects of laughter are said to last as much as 24 hours. It means the heart experiences a relaxation period of up to 24 hours. It can be considered excellent therapy for the heart.

The Chemistry Behind Laughter And Cardiovascular Health

Just like hormones affect our reproductory system, these hormones also have a strong influence on our circulatory system. When you laugh, certain hormones and chemicals have a positive effect on the heart.

Research has shown that laughter can help reduce stress hormones, relax the blood vessels, reduce artillery inflammation, and the “good” cholesterol in the blood. The collective effect of these reactions ultimately plays a vital role in improving cardiovascular health. Therefore, it is safe to say that laughter and a little bit of humor are the keys to having a better heart.

The Different Ways Laughter Can Help Regulate The Heart

Helps improve blood flow

According to the Maryland medical center university, research results showed that laughter could improve blood flow within the body. A good laugh can help relax the blood vessels and dilate the Endothelium, which aids blood flow and circulation. The research also showed that laughter is also responsible for releasing beta-endorphins in the hypothalamus, which leads to the release of a chemical known as nitric acid. This chemical performs three beneficial functions for the heart:

  • Helps dilate the blood vessels for better blood flow and circulation.
  • It reduces inflammation, thereby protecting the heart.
  • It prevents the formation of cholesterol plaque.

Laughter has a unique medicinal ability that is on par with aerobic exercises and cholesterol-reducing drugs. It could even be said to be far better since, unlike the rest, laughter gives a spontaneous, immediate effect.

Laughter lowers stress hormones.

Stress has a negative impact on cardiovascular health. Stress hormones are known to be very detrimental to our heart’s health as it contributes to the constriction of vessels limiting blood flow and circulation. Laughter can help to reduce the production of these harmful hormones, including cortisol and epinephrine. The reduction of these stress hormones will yield better cardiovascular health.

It helps boost the production of antibodies.

Antibody producing cells are vital to our cardiovascular health. They are significant contributors to having a stronger immune system. Laughter helps boost the production of these antibodies by boosting the number of antibody-producing cells in the body.

Laughter can increase good cholesterol levels.

When it comes to the heart, then blood is an essential factor, and when it comes to the blood, cholesterol levels are just as important. In the blood, having more bad cholesterol than good can hurt your heart. High LDH has been recorded to cause many heart diseases, mostly when left untreated. Good cholesterol solves this by flowing through the arteries and getting rid of the bad cholesterol. Laughter is essential, especially with patients having diabetes, as it handles the LDH for you by increasing the HDL that replaces the bad ones.

Laughter Helps Burn Excess Calories

Obesity is a major threat to good heart health. According to, a good laugh can help you burn excess calories. While it cannot stand as an alternative for the gym, a good laugh for about 10-15 minutes a day can burn as much as 40 calories and up to 3 pounds in 12 months.

Ways To Keep Yourself Laughing

  • Have an excellent time out with loved ones
  • Attend comedy shows
  • Get-together, picnics, and eat-outs are an excellent place to start to get out that laugh.
  • Watch your favorite show. Having a knack for comedy is a plus.
  • Go to the library and get some excellent comedy books.
  • Humor yourself with billions of content available on the internet
  • Make time for fun activities.
  • Always be around fun people.
  • Let loose every once in a while and do something fun.

There are still so many benefits not yet tapped into when it comes to laughter and good health. However, one thing remains certain; laughter positively affects the body, mind, and soul. Some mental disorders and social anxiety problems could be regulated with a good laugh and a fun time.

Researchers are starting to understand just how important something as free, ordinary, and spontaneous as a single laugh can make a difference between a weak heart and a healthy heart. Regular laughter has even been said to reduce heart attacks to a considerably low level. With just 30 minutes of laughter every day, the HDL in the blood can reach 29% in a year. Drugs might work, but laughter is better.

It is the most natural, effective, and safe route to a healthier heart. If you would like some professional help, do not hesitate to contact us or book an appointment!

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