Can I Live Normally with a Mitral Valve Prolapse?

If you’ve been diagnosed with a mitral valve prolapse, you’re probably wondering how that will affect your life. You may be concerned that it could present an inconvenience or that you’ll have to schedule many doctor appointments. You also may be worried that it could interfere with your quality of life, especially if you enjoy leading an active lifestyle.

For the most part, you can live normally with a mitral valve prolapse. Many people who have an MVP do not experience any symptoms at all, so they go on living in the same manner as they were before. For those who do experience symptoms, these can be minimized with proper treatment so as not to cause excessive disruption to your life.

The most important action you can take to alleviate the impact of mitral valve prolapse symptoms on your life is to schedule regular medical evaluations at least once every three years. This can ensure that any potential complications are addressed in a timely manner.

To get a more complete idea of how having a mitral valve prolapse could potentially impact your life, let’s look at some of the symptoms that could occur from an MVP. Once you know how a mitral valve prolapse could impact your life, you’ll be more prepared to manage the condition and keep it from interfering with your lifestyle.

What are the Symptoms of a Mitral Valve Prolapse?

While some people have a mitral valve prolapse with no noticeable symptoms, others may experience some problematic symptoms with an MVP.

Some of the symptoms you may experience if you have a mitral valve prolapse are:

  • Chest pain
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness or faintness
  • Anxiety

Chest pain that comes and goes can be a part of an MVP. It can be a fleeting discomfort that lasts only a few moments, or it could be a longer lasting pressure that goes on for a few hours.

Irregular heartbeat can occur with an MVP. You may notice some abnormalities with your heartbeat such as a drastic difference in speed or intensity. Since this is more likely to happen when lying on the left side, you may experience some relief by changing positions.

Fatigue may be overlooked with an MVP since it is related to so many health conditions. If you start to feel much more tired than usual for no apparent reason, it could be due to the mitral valve prolapse.

Shortness of breath could be related to an MVP particularly if you become breathless during or after physical activity or when lying on your back.

Dizziness can be caused by an MVP. Sometimes you may feel faint or lightheaded.

Anxiety is another symptom that is related to a wide variety of health conditions so you may not realize it could have something to do with an MVP.

What Type of Lifestyle Changes Should I Make to Manage an MVP?

While you can live normally for the most part with a mitral valve prolapse, there are some lifestyle changes you can make to help decrease any bothersome symptoms that can occur with an MVP.


Some dietary changes you can make to prevent or alleviate symptoms of an MVP are:

  • Cut back on caffeine.
  • Try to keep alcohol intake to a minimum or eliminate it all together.
  • Be mindful of sugar.

Caffeine can be problematic if you have a mitral valve prolapse. Caffeinated coffee and tea, along with energy drinks, can aggravate an MVP by causing heart palpitations, anxiety, and panic attacks. If you enjoy these types of beverages, opt for decaffeinated varieties to minimize MVP symptoms.

Alcoholic beverages can stimulate heart arrhythmias due to interference with blood circulation. It is generally recommended to avoid alcohol if you have an MVP. If you like to have an adult beverage with a meal, try a non-alcoholic beer or a festive mocktail.

Sugar can also be an issue if you have an MVP, although everyone should be mindful of their sugar intake. Chocolate contains small amounts of caffeine which can aggravate heart palpitations. Sugary desserts and drinks can lead to blood sugar spikes that can bring on an irregular heartbeat and anxiety. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, try swapping out high-sugar treats for those sweetened with monk fruit or stevia. You could also have some fresh fruit — frozen grapes can provide some of the same satisfaction as sorbet.

To feel your best despite having a mitral valve prolapse, focus on eating a diet of fresh, whole foods.

Don’t dwell on the foods and drinks you should avoid. Try to find substitutes for the foods you love that won’t leave you feeling anxious with a speedy heartbeat. There are plenty of heart-friendly alternatives you can use to replace the offending foods and beverages.


Physical activity can be an important part of a healthy lifestyle but there are a few things to consider when you have a heart condition such as a mitral valve prolapse.

To stay safe while exercising when you have an MVP:

  • Avoid exercises that involve jumping.
  • Refrain from high-intensity cardio like running.
  • Stay away from heavy weightlifting.

Jumping can be too intense when you have an MVP so avoid exercises like burpees, jumping rope, and plyometrics.

High-intensity cardio can put too much pressure on the heart so skip running and opt for lower intensity like jogging or walking.

Lifting heavy weights put additional strain on the heart so stick with lighter weights if your doctor gives the okay. If you have a severe mitral valve prolapse, it may be recommended that you completely avoid weight training.

The Importance of Regular Medical Examinations for MVP

Since some people experience no noticeable symptoms with a mitral valve prolapse, it may go completely undetected. This could lead to more problems down the road as the complications associated with an MVP could be fatal. It’s the symptoms of mitral valve prolapse that tend to bring a person into the doctor’s office to get checked out. Without symptoms of a problem, many people skip regular checkups.

If you are diagnosed with a mitral valve prolapse, it is recommended to see your doctor at least once a year to monitor your condition. Even if you feel fine, make it a priority to schedule preventative care appointments with your health care professionals. 


Now you know how can live a fairly normal life with a mitral valve prolapse. You also know the signals your body may be sending out to tell you that it needs some additional support for your cardiovascular health. You’ve seen how easy it can be to eat your way to a healthier heart. Adding more fresh, whole foods to your diet can help alleviate or prevent some of the symptoms of poor cardiovascular health.

While a healthy diet and lifestyle are extremely helpful for a strong cardiovascular system, it’s important to seek out professional care if the problem persists. If you’re experiencing symptoms of a mitral valve prolapse that don’t respond to diet and lifestyle changes, contact us today to book an appointment.

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