Best Tips To Avoid Spider Veins
Have you felt uneasy about your veins popping out in a blue color suddenly? Do you feel shy and wear a long dress to not show a web-like pattern on your leg? Don’t worry, that discomfort is called Spider Veins and we’re here to provide you tips on how to avoid it, and secondly if you get it, what are the steps that could be taken to minimize its damage?
What are Spider Veins??
In layman’s terms, Spider Veins is a form of discomfort that is enlarged veins, whereas the Varicose Veins condition is bigger and more commonly known as the sister version of the spider veins condition. Both spider veins and varicose veins have different forms of appearances on the body. Men are likely to develop this condition half as less as times as women.
Let’s jump into facts. The good news is that spider veins may not always be problematic and can be rectified with alternative lifestyle changes. But the bad news is that spider veins can cause systematic hormonal imbalances, obesity, and ugliness of the parts affected to show in public. Spider veins are also known to cause ulcers, blood clots, and muscle soreness. This means that you’ll always be at risk of attracting these unwanted health issues unless you take care of it.
Spider Veins happens when the red or blue blood vessels enlarge around the skin surface to give a spider-web pattern on the body. If you’ve developed spider veins, allow us to provide you with valuable inputs to prevent it or help you get better from the current situation.
How does Spider Veins occur?
The condition of Spider Veins occurs when the valves inside the veins start malfunctioning. The purpose of the veins is to allow blood circulation back to the heart. To not allow blood to flow back, the veins have a valve with a one-directional movement that closes as soon as blood flow through it.
Now, if the veins start to become weak or get damaged physically, the blood circulation starts to be problematic and can cause clots inside the vein. With time, this can further damage the vein that will eventually lead to this condition called Spider Veins.
Additional pressure or exposure to the sun increases the damage to it. Small in nature than varicose, Spider Veins are small flat lines that don’t dent the skin too much and are either blue, red, or purple. Even though they’re known to not cause too much pain, they can cause physical discomforts.
The best tips to avoid Spider Veins:
There are various methods to prevent Spider Veins from home if it’s not a serious condition. You can use the following steps to ensure you don’t get this disease:
Apply sunscreen
Applying sunscreen has multiple advantages. Firstly, it protects you from getting skin cancer and other skin ailments such as wrinkles and dark spots. But to avoid spider veins on the face, applying sunscreen regularly is a good option.
Avoid crossing legs
When you sit with your legs in a crossed position for more extended periods, it might result in blood flowing through your legs less and could potentially cause further damage in the blood vessels. This then leads to the walls of the valves in the veins thinning and can cause spider veins.
Raise your legs while resting
While resting in a relaxed position, give your feet elevation, and keep your legs up. This allows the blood to flow easily through the legs and heart and will avoid applying unnecessary pressure on the veins and gives you fewer chances to weaken the blood vessels.
Wearing the right footwear
If you’re a fan of high-heels for events and festivals and wear it more than occasionally to even workplaces, it could be risky since it doesn’t allow healthy blood flow. Since this affects women more, you should also try and wear loose clothes, especially around the waist, groin, and legs area, causing blood to flow freely.
Get fit
One of the healthiest and easiest options to avoid Spider Veins is to do general exercises consistently. When getting worked out, the muscles in the legs allow the blood to push back towards the heart, thus reducing the chances of damage to the veins. If you have an existing condition of Spider veins, exercises, and especially, cardio exercises will be of great help in reducing spider veins.
Lessen body weight
If you’re overweight or have a case of obesity, you’re more exposed to getting spider veins since your body’s heaviness does not make it simple for the veins to push blood back to your heart. In general health terms, too, if you’re overweight, you give yourself an unnecessary risk of being exposed to cardiovascular diseases. Try and reduce your weight as much as you can.
Don’t remain in one position for a longer duration
If you have worked either sitting or standing, don’t do it for one stretch and allow yourself a break after every 30 minutes. This habit will help the leg region muscles push back blood to your heart more consistently. Thus, reducing the chances of you acquiring spider veins condition.
Use compression stockings
Compression stockings allow you to enable more blood flow to the legs and forth. If you feel that compression stockings are not working for you and there are additional problems and symptoms, you should consult a doctor or a nurse who’ll help you with the further course of action required.
Are you at risk of getting Spider veins?
Women are twice more likely to get affected by spider veins than women. Pregnant women are also at risk of getting this discomfort. You need to look out for the following symptoms that tell you if you can get spider veins.
- Cramping: If your leg muscles are cramping more than usual, you can check it out as it could be a case of spider veins.
- Swelling: If you notice any unusual swelling in parts such as the groin, legs, ankle, you should get yourself checked as it could be a case of spider veins.
- Itching: If you feel the need to itch and your skin starts to feel itchy suddenly, get yourself checked with a nurse or doctor.
Bottom line:
The above tips mentioned will help you prevent spider veins, but if you feel that there are more symptoms, always check immediately with a doctor or nurse who might advise the subsequent surgical or non-surgical procedures to take it further. But if you have a mild case of spider veins, you can use the above remedies to avoid it or altogether avoid getting it in the future due to slight reforms in the lifestyle activities. To avoid spider veins generally, cardio is known to help the heart health or varicose veins, and if you want more information about it, book an appointment for further details.