Atherosclerosis Testing and Diagnosis

Atherosclerosis is a strange disease. This usually occurs at a very young age and starts building and progressing without any symptoms. By the time you notice something wrong is going on, it is much more severe and dangerously grown already.

There are many tests available to diagnosis this disease. Every one of them has a set of rules to follow. Testing Atherosclerosis is not an easy process like other diseases. The doctor takes an initial physical exam to ensure that the test and diagnosis are required.

For example, the doctor finds the signs of enlarged, narrowed or hardened arteries, weak pulse rate, low blood pressure levels, and brits over the arteries, which are the signs of comprehending a diagnosis test. Depending on the physical examination, the doctor may recommend going for the following diagnostics.

  • Electrocardiogram

The purpose of Electrocardiogram (ECG) is to record the electrical signals that are traveling through your heart. This test also reveals the history of cardiac conditions of the patient. The main objective of this test is to judge the rhythm of heartbeats. An Electrocardiogram can also show signs of heart attacks.

  • Blood tests

Cholesterol, blood sugar levels affect the presence of Atherosclerosis. Lab tests to analyze the levels of these medical conditions can help diagnose Atherosclerosis. To conduct these tests, the patient has to fast for at least 12 hours to get accurate results. 

  • Echocardiography

This type of diagnostics test creates sound waves across your heart to take a moving pictorial of the heart. The results provide information about the size and shape of the heart and working capability of the chambers and valves.

The test also analyzes the weak areas where blood flow is insufficient, and the muscles that are not working well. Any previous heart injury will also be identified in Echocardiographic diagnosis.

  • Stress measuring

For testing the stress areas, the heart is made to work fast to increase the pulse rate. If the person is unable to perform any exercise or physical activity to raise the heartbeat, medicines are used. Therefore, when the heart works faster, the blood flow increases and more oxygen is needed by the heart.

The blood arteries then show their performance. If they are unable to provide enough oxygen and blood, they are either narrowed by plaque. A stress test identifies symptoms of breath shortage and abnormal heart rate or blood flow.

The person has to complete the cycle of exercise considered healthy for their age. Failure in completion means the arteries are unable to provide enough blood flow for the heart.  

  • Angiography

This test shows the pictures of all the blockages built by Atherosclerosis. This test can be conducted on the arteries of the heart or brain. Angiography is not an easy diagnostic test; it has multiple risks and alarming factors. It is prescribed to those patients who are already facing the symptoms of Atherosclerosis. The symptoms can count unusual chest pain and blockages of arteries.

  • Ultrasound

The doctor uses a particular device to measure the patient’s blood levels and various points of focus on the arm or leg. The test is commonly known as doppler ultrasound. The results of the ultrasound can help the doctor analyze the degree of blockages, as well as the blood pressure.

  • Brachial/ankle index

This test contains the observation of the blood flow from the arm to the ankle. Doctors analyze the results and comprehend the blood flow condition of the heart. Any abnormal activity in the blood flow can indicate a vascular disease like Atherosclerosis. 

Atherosclerosis Alarming factors

Atherosclerosis starts at a very young age. Studies show that there can be symptoms of the disease in teenagers. The risk of facing severe Atherosclerosis increases by age, and most of the time, there are no visible symptoms.

Possible risk factors that may cause Atherosclerosis and other heart problems are abdominal obesity. This is a severe problem in our society. Controlling cholesterol levels and taking a balanced diet is the fundamental rule of a healthy life. Obesity can cause many problems, including blockage of arteries. 

Diabetes is also an alarming factor. Once the patient is diagnosed with diabetes, there is always a chance of getting severe Atherosclerosis. Controlled sugar levels can help the arteries to work normally. Fluctuating sugar levels can become a problem to the heart, causing heart attacks.

Alcohol consumption and smoking habits are very serious aspects of causing heart diseases. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are also factors that can form Atherosclerosis. Not having enough nutrients and minerals can make the heart suffer from a lack of nutrition.   

Preparation for appointment

If you have a feeling facing any cardiac problems. Make an appointment with the doctor so that they get you checked and confirm Atherosclerosis. After booking for an appointment with the doctors at South Florida CardioVascular Specialist clinic, know and follow the guidelines the doctor has provided you. The doctor may ask you to fast or take a specific diet before coming for the appointment.

Note all the symptoms you were going through all the time. This will help the doctor diagnose the issue quickly and efficiently. Symptoms and signs such as chest pain and blood pressure abnormality can assist the doctor in prescribing you the right testing technique for Atherosclerosis. Discuss all the medications you have been taking and any all medical conditions running in the family. 


The doctors are likely to recommend of ultrasound, electrocardiogram, or other image-based tests. These tests are an infinite solution to diagnose Atherosclerosis correctly. The images and readings can sufficiently show the condition of arteries. The hardening and narrowing of large arteries suspects are visible in these tests.

Some lifestyle changes, such as a balanced diet and exercise routine, can help your heart to work well. In other conditions, medications and surgical options are considered based on the seriousness of the disease. Various drugs can slow down the effect of Atherosclerosis. For further information and clarity on the topic, you can call, visit, or reach the South Florida CardioVascular Specialists clinic at any time. Professional medical help and consultation are always better. 

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