Alcohol & Cardiovascular Health: How Much Is Too Much For Heart Health?
Alcohol is no doubt very tempting. Be it a party, a dinner that just calls for a little drink or a night out at the club. There are countless excuses just to have a harmless drink. For some people, the day doesn’t end unless they have a drink or two. So strong is the temptation that in the US alone the reported rate of underage Alcohol consumption is 11%. That means that 11% of the population that is under 21 years of age consumes alcohol.
Although a little alcohol can bring the fun to the party, it can be very dangerous. This is because alcohol is extremely addictive and can easily turn anyone into an alcoholic. It is reported that more than 40% of the US population are binge drinkers. Binge drinking happens to be one of the major indications of an alcohol problem.
That said; let’s dwell a little deeper into the matter of alcohol and health. Have you ever heard of the phrase “what’s your poison?”This is a rather informal way of asking what type of alcoholic drink you prefer. The use of the word poison is very tactful as alcohol can prove to be exactly that for your body, Poison.
Alcohol And Cardiovascular Health
The term “cardiovascular” comprises of the entire circulatory system. This includes everything from your blood vessels to your heart and of course, blood. This system provides the body with oxygen and nutrients, transports hormones and discards all waste products from the bloodstream.
Alcohol interferes with this system in many ways. It has been found that drinking alcohol can increase your heart rate to unhealthy levels. This may result in many heart-related diseases. It also can result in weight gain that also ultimately contributes to heart diseases.
The Adverse Effect Of Alcohol On The Heart
As previously mentioned, alcohol can be dangerous for our bodies. These are just some of the ways that alcohol destroys heart health.
1. Irregular Heartbeat
Arrhythmia is basically a condition where your heart beats in an irregular pattern. It is either too fast or too slow. This condition can be triggered by binge drinking. In fact, there is a condition known as the Holiday Heart Syndrome which is found specifically in heavy drinkers. This syndrome causes irregular heartbeat in people who are otherwise healthy. It can cause great discomfort and severe pain located in the center of the chest. An irregular heartbeat can result in breathlessness and can result in a heart attack.

2. Weight Gain And High Blood Pressure
Drinking, weight gain, and high blood pressure all go hand in hand. Alcohol is abundant in sugar and calories. It increases the level of triglycerides in your blood; this is fat that your body does not use immediately. It also stops your body from burning fat and makes you feel less hungry. It also leads to poor food decisions as often you will end up picking unhealthy foods.
Another reason for weight gain that is also associated with the consumption of alcohol is the lack of exercise. People who drink habitually feel lazy as alcohol is a depressant. It also gives a lower quality of sleep making the consumer feel generally tired. Therefore, exercise or any other kind of activity that requires a certain amount of energy consumption is out of the question.
As your body weight increases, blood pressure increases too. Why? This is because now the circulatory system needs to work harder to move blood around the body. Fat also makes arteries and the blood vessels thick and stiff. As a result, it becomes harder to push blood through them. High blood pressure or hypertension can cause a heart attack or a stroke. It is also the cause of cardiomyopathy which is the hardening of the heart muscle. All these conditions are extremely fatal and, in most cases, result in death.
3. What Is The Right Amount To Drink?
So up till now, we have discussed what excess consumption of alcohol can do to our bodies. This leaves us with the question that what is the right amount to drink? How much alcohol can one consume without it being too much?
Generally, the moderate amount would be a single drink a day for women from all age brackets and men over the age of 65. For men 65 and under, two drinks are the limit. Now does this mean that you can skip the drinks all week and let loose on Friday night? Absolutely not! Each day has its own limit. It is good if you don’t drink for the entire week, but that does not mean that you drink more than one or two drinks as soon as the weekend starts. That would also fall under the category of binge drinking.
What’s The Deal With Red Wine?
In recent years, red wine has been considered to be good for heart health mainly because it contains antioxidants that increase HDL cholesterol levels, which is also known as good cholesterol. Good cholesterol works to remove LDL or bad cholesterol from the bloodstream. This prevents build ups and clogs in the circulatory system which as a result reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
However, it is too early to celebrate. There’s no solid evidence that can prove that red wine is better than any other liquor. Considering this, one should not start drinking based on this alone. If you don’t drink, that’s better for your health altogether. As far as health benefits go, you can easily find the same benefits in red grapes.
Instead of leaning towards wine or other types of alcohol it is better to exercise or regulate your diet for better cardiovascular health. Eating foods with less saturated fats is a good place to start. Of course, it is okay to have a glass of wine or a drink if it helps you unwind and relax. However, drinking in excess is something that should be avoided.