Will Varicose Veins Heal On Their Own – Facts About Treatment

Varicose veins are more common in society than you think they are. An estimated 23% of adults suffer from varicose veins, and 1 in every four people in the US has varicose veins. And a lot of people often ask how serious the problem is and how likely is it that varicose veins will heal on their own.

To answer that, we first need to know what exactly are varicose veins and how are they caused. 

Varicose veins – the causes

Varicose veins often emerge on your feet or legs in the shape of sharp purple or blue lines. They are often caused by unregulated blood flow in certain parts of your body. Another prevalent reason for varicose veins is the blocking of valves in veins that restrict blood flow in the legs and feet. 

Although the most common area that is affected by varicose veins is the feet and legs, it may emerge in other places too. Research suggests that pregnant women are more at risk of developing varicose veins than other people.

Other reasons for developing varicose veins are:

  • Menopause

Women are at risk due to this, and it has to do with their hormones mostly, an irregularity of which can result in varicose veins.

  • Old age

This means that any person above 50 is more likely to suffer from varicose veins than people who are younger. One reason for this might be the lack of activity in old people.

  • Obesity

Obese people are generally less active and hence have unregulated blood flow in their legs.

  • Lifestyle

People who stand for long periods of time often complain of pain and varicose veins. This is because standing too much often leads to higher pressure in the feet and results in less blood flow in the legs.

Intensity of the problem – can it heal by itself?

People are wrong in assuming that all people suffer from the same intensity of varicose veins because they don’t. In most conditions, varicose veins do not result in any pain or discomfort, and they only irritate people because of their weird color.

When the first symptoms of varicose veins emerge on your body, they are likely to cause little to no discomfort, but most often than not, varicose veins do worsen with time. Hence, it is advised that you get them checked by a doctor and take his advice on the treatment. 

Doctors also recommend no treatment and assure patients that varicose veins will heal over time. Now that is true with some patients; however, others might need some medication or self-medicated treatment.

If you do not feel any pain or discomfort, you should wait for some time and indulge in some light exercises; it is likely that your varicose veins will go away with time. However, if you feel pain or aching in your body, then you should immediately get an ultrasound.

Treatment for varicose veins

A lot of doctors feel apprehensive of treating varicose veins and often recommend a lifestyle change. If you are suffering from varicose veins, you should try to change the following habits in order to get rid of the problem.

  • A change in lifestyle

Since people suffering from varicose veins often live a relatively less active life, it is recommended that they make some important changes to their lifestyle in order to alleviate the discomfort caused by varicose veins.

Avoid standing for long periods of time. This increases blood pressure and often blocks valves in the veins.

  • Reduction in Weight

This has more to do with the consequences of obesity than obesity itself. More weight often makes it hard for people to live an active lifestyle which is necessary if you want to treat varicose veins.

Hence, in order to reduce weight, you should first try to limit your calorie intake. 

  • Compression

Use of compression stocks or stockings will also help relieve some of the extra pressure inside your legs and feet and increase blood flow in them.

  • Exercising regularly

This is perhaps the most important treatment for varicose veins. An exercise of 30 minutes daily does not only help in regulating blood flow in your system, particularly in your legs and feet, but it also helps to improve your blood pressure.

There are a lot of exercises that the doctors recommend to improve blood circulation in your body. Any of these, when done consistently, will help achieve results quickly. Moreover, if obesity is a leading cause of varicose veins, then the daily exercises will also help get rid of the extra weight. Here are the most recommended exercises.

  • Walking
  • Bicycling
  • Leg lifts
  • Leg elevation 
  • Lunges

Is surgery necessary?

In most cases, the patient doesn’t experience much pain, so surgery is not necessary. However, varicose veins are known to worsen over time, if not treated through exercise and lifestyle change, so people who have had the illness from a long time will have to get surgery.

Moreover, if certain home treatments such as exercise are not working, and the pain becomes unbearable, then the doctor might have to perform an invasive surgery involving vein litigation.

During the procedure, the doctor will give you anesthesia, so you don’t feel any pain. The surgery requires cutting the skin and removing the varicose veins through precise incisions.

It is hence recommended that as soon as you see the first signs of varicose veins on your body, you should immediately consult a doctor and work on your lifestyle change.

Other treatment options

Lifestyle change and surgery are not the only two options available to treat varicose veins. There are a variety of minimally invasive treatment options that are available in the market and can give fast results. Some of them are:

  • Sclerotherapy

This involves the usage of a liquid or a foam injection to block large veins.

  • Laser surgery

This involves using a beam of light to block certain veins. 

  • Microsclerotherapy

This works by injecting a chemical to block small veins.

  • Endovenous-Ablation therapy

Here, radiofrequency waves are used to block veins. 

All these treatments require a physician, and hence you should always consult with your doctor first before opting for any of these options. So all this concludes, that varicose veins do not normally heal by themselves, rather they require a lifestyle change or proper treatment to cure them.

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