7 Possible Heart Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
It is not an exaggeration that every second counts when you’re having a heart attack. And while most people ignore heart symptoms and talk themselves out of emergency care because they don’t want their family and loved ones to worry, or just because they are not a 100 percent sure, heart symptoms require immediate medical attention.
But heart issues don’t always come with red flags, warning bells, or clear signs of physical distress such as palpitations, breathlessness, or the typical pain in the chest. There’s not always a chest clutch and a fall to the floor like in the movies.
In fact, some symptoms of heart disease do not even occur or develop in the chest, making it even more difficult to determine and identify the real issue.
This is especially true if you have high blood pressure, are overweight, are more than 60 years of age, or have high cholesterol, or diabetes. The more risk factors you have, the more you should be worried and concerned about heart-related diseases.
Following are 7 possible heart symptoms that you should never ignore:
1. Chest pain
This symptom is one of the most common signs of a heart problem. If you’re having a heart attack and your artery is blocked, you might feel pain or experience a crushing and squeezing sensation in your chest. Each individual experiences the pain differently. Some individuals describe it as a burning pain while some people feel like a heavy object has been placed on their chest.
The pain normally lasts more than a few minutes. You can experience chest pain when you’re active and doing something physical or even when you’re at rest.
If the pain lasts for only a few moments or if it increases when you touch, push, or apply pressure to it, it is probably not a symptom of heart disease. However, you should still consult a doctor and seek medical attention.
It’s important to remember that heart problems can occur without chest pain, especially in diabetics, women, and the elderly.
2. Stomach pain, indigestion, nausea, or heartburn
One symptom of heart disease which is not as common as chest pain and is often ignored is stomach pain. Since this symptom usually indicates a stomach infection or a flu, it is often ignored and overlooked in connection with heart disease.
However, some people experience stomach pain during a heart attack. They might even vomit or have acidity. This type of symptom is more likely to be experienced by women than by men.
Of course, you can also have an upset stomach or experience stomach pain for several other reasons which are not heart-related. After all, the pain can be caused by just something you ate. However, it’s also important to remember that it is a symptom of a heart attack.
So, if you experience stomach pain and feel that you’re at risk of heart diseases, it’s advisable to consult your doctor and seek medical attention, especially if you’ve experienced any of the other symptoms listed here.

3. Sudden onset of pain in the upper back, neck, arm, or jaw
Pain in the neck, jaw, upper back, and arm are usually due to angina or a heart attack, especially if it occurs suddenly and is accompanied or followed by breathlessness, sweating, or uneasiness. In the case of angina, the pain might disappear completely after a few minutes. These symptoms are often overlooked as symptoms of heart disease and are mistakenly attributed to toothache, muscular pains, or cervical spondylosis.
4. You feel lightheaded or dizzy
There are several things which can make you feel faint or make you lose your balance. It can be because you stood up too fast, or just because you did not have enough to drink or eat.
However, if you suddenly feel dizzy or unsteady, and also experience shortness of breath and chest discomfort, contact a doctor and seek immediate medical attention.
Lightheadedness and dizziness can indicate a drop in your blood pressure because your heart is unable to pump the way it should.
5. You get exhausted easily
If you suddenly feel tired, winded, or fatigued after doing something you could easily do before, like carrying groceries from the car or climbing the stairs, contact and make an appointment with your doctor immediately.
Unexplained weakness or extreme exhaustion which sometimes continues for several days at a time can be a possible symptom of heart disease, particularly for women.

6. A cough that won’t quit
In most cases, a persistent cough is not a symptom of heart disease. But if you’re suffering from heart disease or know that you’re at risk, make sure you pay close attention to the possibility.
If you have a persistent cough which produces a pink or white mucus, it can be a possible symptom of heart failure. This happens when your heart is unable to keep up with the demands of the body, causing blood to flow back into the lungs.
It is advisable to contact and consult your doctor about the cause of your cough.
7. Irregular heartbeat
It is perfectly normal for your heart to race when you’re excited or nervous, or to add or skip a beat every once in a while. But, if you feel that you have an irregular heartbeat for more than a few seconds, or if you often have an irregular heartbeat, it is better to consult your doctor.
In most cases, the cause of an irregular heartbeat is something which can be easily fixed, for example, not enough sleep or too much caffeine. But sometimes, it can also be a heart symptom and can indicate a condition known as atrial fibrillation which needs treatment. So, it’s advisable to consult your doctor.
If you’re experiencing any of the heart symptoms listed above, make an appointment with your doctor immediately. Correct medication and quick response at the right time can help improve your heart circulation and save your life.