7 Exercises To Prevent Varicose Veins
Have you ever noticed some twists and knots that may happen to appear seemingly just beneath the skin? These markings are actually veins. However, since their valves have stopped functioning properly, they become large and swollen and acquire a purple or bluish hue to them. The name given to them is varicose veins or spider veins.
The most common area for these enlarged veins to appear are the legs. They occur especially if a lot of pressure is applied to the legs, for example by standing or walking for long time periods. This condition is also a common occurrence for those who are pregnant, overweight, or obese. For some people, they might also appear with age.
Usually, this condition is not a cause of concern. It may only be a bother if you are uncomfortable about the way they look. However, in some cases, these veins can become the cause of extreme discomfort and pain.
The good news is that these varicose or spider veins can be prevented. In fact, you don’t need to stress a lot about preventing them either. Following are 7 easy exercises that will help you prevent them.

1. Walking
This is one of the most simple ways and easy exercises you can incorporate in your daily life. It doesn’t need to take the shape of a high-intensity workout. A simple 20-30 minute jog can do the trick. Do you have a really busy schedule and can’t incorporate that into your schedule? No problem! There are other ways you can easily get your daily quota of walking done.
All you have to do is tweak how you get around. Cut out shortcuts, try to take a small walk during your lunch break, and if the stairs are not so steep, then don’t hesitate to climb them.
2. Leg Exercises
These are a must for people who travel a lot or have jobs that require sitting in one position for a long time period. Leg exercises can be of many different types. Usually, these exercises are simple and don’t require you to move around a lot. You can easily perform them sitting right where you are.
A good example of a leg exercise would be leg lifts. Just put your legs out in front of you and one by one, lift each leg a little above the ground. Hold it in the air and count to ten, then slowly let it down. Repeat a few times per leg. It will hardly take more than five minutes. You can do this multiple times a day. Stretching your legs regularly is also a good exercise. Knee bends are also good for assuring proper circulation of blood.

Mountain Climbers
This is one of the more intense exercises, but it is not that difficult to do. You can do this anywhere in your house as the only thing you will need is a yoga mat and that too is not necessary. To perform this exercise, you will need to go into a plank. A plank is basically the position you take before going into a push-up. After assuming the plank position, you need to bring up your knee to your chest, one knee at a time.
Calf Flexing Exercises
This is a really good exercise to not only help with strength, but it also increases stamina. You can pick up the pace as you go. However, do not push your body too hard. It is healthy to step out of your comfort zone but do not put unnecessary strain on your body.
This is another great exercise that requires stretching. It is also convenient for frequent travelers and office workers as well. Like other stretching exercises, this one also makes sure that blood circulation is done well. It also reduces the chances of sudden strain on the legs and feet.
To perform a calf flexor, first, you need to put your feet flat on the ground. Then ever so gently, raise your toes. By now, you must be feeling a little stretch on your calf muscles. Now repeat this for the other leg as well. Again, you must keep in mind not to put a lot of strain on your legs as that would have a negative effect.
3. Yoga
Yoga is also a really good way to prevent varicose veins from forming. Doing yoga poses helps relieve the strain and soreness that may ultimately cause varicose veins. It also includes elevating your legs. This reduces the pressure but on your lower body and helps the blood flow easily.
The following three yoga poses are really effective and simple to do. These are bound to keep your legs and vein healthy.
Standing Forward Bend
This is perhaps one of the most basic yoga poses. It requires you to stand perfectly straight with your feet together. Then reach forward and touch your toes. It’s okay if you cannot achieve this on your first try. However, with regular practice, you will be able to do this easily.
This pose gives a full stretch to the entire lower body. It will really stretch out your thighs and calves doing away with all the tensions in the muscle. This pose also helps with pains or aches in the leg.
Mountain Pose
This is the pose that comes to mind when anyone talks about yoga. It helps align your body and works on your posture. Better posture means lesser stress on your lower body. It also helps with toning the legs and strengthens the thighs and knees.
Legs Against The Wall
Again, this is a very simple pose. You only need to put your legs up straight against the wall and keep them together. Doing this on a daily basis will help with your blood circulation. It also helps in relieving the built-up stress in the lower body. Due to the elevation of the legs, the pressure is also reduced. All of this helps in eliminating factors that could lead up to the formation of varicose veins.