3 Facts About Heart Murmurs

The heart is one of the most crucial parts of the human body that shouldn’t be joked with. Diseases are common, and they affect crucial organs if the body is not well attended to. Heart diseases are serious and should be taken with utmost importance. If the heart gets infected, it will become a burden on you, something that you may not want to deal with. However, sometimes even with the attention that we give our bodies, we might develop an illness or disease that we do not bargain for. There are some facts about this health condition that people assume to be a myth, and we are going to go through three of them, but before we do that, let us look at what it means, the causes, and the symptoms.

Heart Murmur

One of the heart diseases people have is a heart murmur. Although this is not well known by people, it would be advisable that when you notice that you have any symptom that we would later look at, do not hesitate to see a medical practitioner for examination and further counseling.

Heart Murmurs are known to be a sound that comes from the heart when there is blood flow; in such a case, it might be going through a valve that is said to be abnormal. Sometimes, when you have a heart murmur, you might not be treated because the case is not severe. However, some examples do not seem to be left alone without treatment because of the severity of the case.

Causes of Heart Murmur

As shown by science, all disease is caused by something, and it is also essential that you know them so that you do so in the case where you can avoid it. However, a heart murmur can manifest as a result of some other heart conditions that you have. Let us look at some of the common causes of a heart murmur.


The first cause of heart murmur that we are going to look at is anemia. It is having a low number of red blood cells in your human system. There are different kinds of anemia, and they can be passed down from parents to offspring. Some women suffer this because of the high demand for blood that their system requires, resulting from the loss that happens mainly during periods or the high demand for blood when pregnant.

There are sure signs that you can look out for when you suspect that you suffer from it. Having constant dizziness or being light-headed is one of the most common symptoms that indicates that you might have anemia. Also, you might have a heartbeat that is not normal or beats fast and pain in your joints. If you have any of these, then you stand a chance of having anemia

High Blood Pressure

Known to be one of the most common causes of heart problems, this is a condition where the force that your blood flows with is considered high for your arteries’ walls. Most of the time, as is the case for most people, you do not notice any symptom that you suffer from it until it eventually leads up to a heart condition


The last one that we will talk about is the thyroid and this happens when the gland located at the lower part of your neck gives out a hormone called thyroxine in quantity than what is needed.

Although many people do not know, the thyroid controls the rate at which your heart beats, so when it gets given out in excess, this will affect the speed at which your heart pumps blood leading up to complications.

Now that we have looked at the most frequent causes of a heart murmur, let us look at the symptoms that would tell you that you have the heart condition

Symptoms of Heart Murmur

Every disease or condition has a set of symptoms that they come with, which you can use to tell if you suffer from a particular problem or not. However, this won’t be all that you need because you would still have to make an appointment with a medical professional.

The first symptom that most people notice is that their skin changes color from what it used to be into blue, and this is more predominantly on their fingertips and the lips. Others might notice this in the sudden gain of weight that they have. Also, if you notice that you have a chronic cough, you might be suffering from this.

You may notice the veins on your neck are enlarged, or your liver is; all of these and many more are the signs that should tell you that you suffer from it or not.

3 Facts About the Heart Murmur that Most People Don’t Know About

Many people assume many things, which results in no good. Myths can get generated as a result of not knowing the facts that are attached to the subject.

1. All Heart Murmurs are Not the Same:

Most people assume that a heart murmurs what it is, and it never gets to cross their minds that this is not true as is popularly believed by people. However, there are different types of heart murmurs that abound. A heart murmur can be of the systolic type, the diastolic type, and the continuous type.

The first, which is the systolic type, happens when a muscle located at the heart contracts; this contraction might cause an abnormal valve, which could lead to a murmur. The second happens when the pulmonary valves narrow during relaxation. The third is continuous because it does not have a period that it happens; it goes on through the year.

2. You Have to See a Cardiologist be Sure:

The second fact that most people don’t know is that you have to see a cardiologist for examination before you can confidently say that you have a heart murmur or not. Most people think that you can hear it all through the heart, but this is not the case most of the time.

3. Not all Heart Murmurs Require Treatment:

Many people assume that you have to undergo treatment once it is known that you have a heart murmur. They are not entirely correct, neither are they wrong; however, this is not the case most of the time. Some heart murmurs do not require that you undergo treatment, and this is because it depends on how severe the murmur is and the diagnosis that is gotten from the examination.


Heart murmurs are a medical condition that shouldn’t be joked with once it is discovered. Murmurs produce sounds that we might hear from the heart region. The causes and symptoms of heart murmurs have been looked at extensively. Lastly, there are specific facts about the heart murmur that most people take for granted, and we talked about three of them. If you want to know more about heart murmurs or feel that you should get examined and see a specialist, schedule an appointment with the cardiovascular specialist of Florida to get checked.

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